Who Can Register
How To Register
Special Instruction
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us

BUTEX Batch: 32nd to 44th

Affiliated Batch: 1st to 5th

BBTEC Batch: 1st

MSc in Textile Engineering

BUTEX Batch: 1st to 8th

MBA in Textiles

BUTEX Batch: 1st to 7th

Note: The Registration will require scanned copy of your recent photograph (600x600 pixel) and main certificate number (if already received).

Step 1: Check your student id in the registration form. (remove hyphen from student id)

Step 2: Fill up the appropriate fields with accurate information. Write your main certificate (if already received) number without any leading 0 (zero)

Step 3: The system will show you total participation fees (registration fee: BDT 2500 + gown fee: BDT 1500 (purchased, not to return) + selected certificate fee: BDT 515 each) depending on your selection. If you already received any main certificate, the system will exempt your registration fee and that certificate fee.

Step 4: After successful online payment the system will mail you your convocation registration card and payment receipt. Please print the registration card and keep in safe place. You will have to bring it on the convocation day.

Issuing main certificate will temporarily remain close until convocation.

Please note that you will have to submit -

  • Provisional certificate (if already received) before convocation day for receiving the main certificate.
  • Printed copy of the online registration card.
  • Printed copy of the online money receipt/payment document as convocation registration fee.

The date for returning provisional certificate will be declared soon.

a. I have applied for main certificate and paid necessary fees but didn’t receive the certificate. What can I do?
Contact the Controller of Examination Office to either collect the certificate or at least certificate number. Then you can register.

b. When should I return my Provisional Certificate?
We shall declare a date and procedure for returning the Provisional Certificate.

c. I have paid convocation fee two times while receiving main certificate. Can I apply for the refund of extra amount I paid?
Yes, you will get back the extra amount. We advise you to apply for refund attaching the printed copy of online registration card and payment document for convocation.

d. I am not clear about the “Institute” and “Address” in the registration form. What can I do?
It is your present organization or institute where you are currently employed and the address of that organization.

Office hour only.

  1. Mohammad Khaled Hossan (For BUTEX)
    Office of the Controller of Examinations
    (Phone: +880 1943-316191)
  2. Ferdousi Khatun (For Affiliated Colleges)
    Office of the Controller of Examinations
    (Phone: +880 1619-278303)