Final Exam results of L-4 T-1 Examination-2015 of all departments have been published. Please click on the following image to download the total result file in PDF format.
Final Exam results of L-3 T-1 Examination-2015 of all departments have been published. Please click on the following image to download the total result file in PDF format.
Final Exam results of L-1 T-2 Examination-2015 of all departments have been published. Please click on the following image to download the total result file in PDF format.
Final Exam results of L-I T-I Examination-2016 of all departments have been published. Please click on the following image to download the total result file in PDF format.
To download the result please click on the above image…
To download the result click the above image…
To download the result please click the above image
We are pleased to inform that the final results of those students of 2012-2 batch who have fulfilled all the prescribed requirements for the degree of M. Sc. in Textile Engineering (Wet Processing) have been published today; March 28, 2016.