Dr. Anup Kumar Datta
Head, Dept. of Math & Stat
email: head.ms@butex.edu.bd
Dr. Anup Kumar Datta
Head, Dept. of Math & Stat
email: head.ms@butex.edu.bd
Assistant professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Bangladesh University of Textiles.
List of Journal Paper:
Serial | Title of the research paper | Name of the Researchers | Name of Journal/doi | Volume/ Issue | Year of Publication |
01 | Effect of quantity based discount frame in inventory planning under time dependent demand: A case study of mango business in Bangladesh | Md. Rukonuzzaman Md. Al-Amin Khan Aminur Rahman Khan Ali Al Arjani Md. Sharif Uddin El-Awady Attia | ScienceDirect Journal of King Saud University-Science j.jksus.2023.102480 | Paper is accepted and Peer reviewed, that is not yet assigned to volume/ issue but is citable using DOI | 09 August,2023 |
Mr. Md. Kawsarul Islam, after his graduation and Post-graduation from the University of Dhaka in Statistics, started his career as Lecturer in Dhaka City College which is one of the most remarkable private college in Bangladesh. After having a handsome experience of 5 years, He has joined in Bangladesh University of Textiles on 18th September, 2016 as a lecturer in the department of Mathematics and Statistics. As one of the most energetic and athletic soul, Mr. Kawsar still finds pleasure in organizing various social and cultural events especially sports both in and outside of the campus
Sampling and Sampling Distributions
Probability and Probability Distributions
Test of Hypothesis
Mr. Kawsar has completed his M.S. in Pure Statistics from the University of Dhaka in 2007-2008 session. He has also completed his B.Sc. in Statistics with outstanding performance from the same university in 2007.
Email: kawsar@butex.edu.bd
Cell: +8801710227711
Mr. Md. Anowar Hossain, after his bright graduation and Post-graduation from the University of Dhaka in Mathematics, started his career as Lecturer in Stamford University Bangladesh which is one of the most remarkable private universities in Bangladesh. After having a handsome experience of 4 years, He has joined in Bangladesh University of Textiles on 18th September, 2016 as a lecturer in the department of Mathematics and Statistics. As one of the most energetic and athletic soul, Mr. Anowar still finds pleasure in organizing various social and cultural events especially sports both in and outside of the campus.
Riemannian Geometry
Dynamical System
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Differential and Integral Equations
Mr. Anowar has completed his M.S. in Pure Mathematics from the University of Dhaka in 2008-2009 session. He has also completed his B.Sc. in Mathematics with outstanding performance from the same university in 2008.
A. Hossain, M.S. Ali: Entitled-Study on Exterior Algebra Bundle and Differential Forms by Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 05, No. 02, 2014, 198-207
Chowdhury, D.F. Wahid, and M.A. Hossain: entitled- Proof of ‘J is a Radical Class’ Using Amitsur Theorem, by Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Volume 12, Issue 12, Version 1.0,Year 2012, 12-20
N Siddiki, M. Roy and M. A. Hossain: entitled- Numerical solution of large system of linear equations using several methods and its applications by Novus Natural Science Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014
A. Hossain, M. A. Halim: entitled-Study of Grassmann Algebra with Differential Forms by International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 4, April-2016
K. S. Uddin, M. N. Siddiki, M. A. Hossain: entitled-Numerical Solution of a Linear Black-Scholes Models: A Comparative Overview by IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 05, Issue 08 (August. 2015), ||V3|| PP 45-51
Email: anowar@butex.edu.bd